After two weeks, on Wednesday 8th May 2019 I went back on the water. Last time, I was given the advice to use a smaller kayak because they are harder to keep straight. I just had to take up that advice on the day the wind decided to pick up. Like seriously, I thought they might call of the training but no. So I got into that boat and turned around in circles trying to go straight like a bad-ass.

This is me, veering to the right way too much in the green boat that goes oh-so-well with my orange attire.
I complain but it was actually fun. Even the time I capsized after going down the Wyre and getting a bucket load of water into my face. At least I was mostly wet before I went in. Man, was that cold.
Note to self: bring a full set of clothing with you to a kayaking session on the water! I got so comfortable with the sea kayak I thought I would only need trousers. How I was wrong.

Yep, not putting those sock back on! I ended up walking in Sainsbury’s without shoes on and just a coat covering my top half! No one seemed to notice… I hope.
Despite all this mishap, I do feel I learnt more in this session. I now know where to place your paddle for a forward and backward stroke and when to take it back out the water. I have just got to work on keeping my hand’s equal distance apart on the paddle.
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